Category Archives: AZ

En Route To Justice

Leaving in the morning for an early flight to Phoenix for the sentencing hearing that will be on Friday at 0900 at Maricopa County Superior Court with Judge Joan Sinclair. Total time in the air 7.5 hours. I will not have internet access (as far as I know) while I am there. It will be wonderful to see my Son  again, although the circumstances leaves us both with a broken spirit and a warrior’s heart.

My reaction to coming face to face with those two is yet to be determined. I’m a bundle of emotion, including anxiety and anger right now. That can change on a dime. To be sure, when I return, I’ll be writing all about the experience on the blog.

We’ll still have unfinished business upon conclusion of this matter – and that is making sure Ashley gets her day in court. It’s not over until it’s over, and she is the missing link.

Keep us in your prayers or good thoughts as we head into the lion’s den. We’ve been waiting for this for almost 4 years now. Pray they receive the maximum sentence allowable under this ridiculous excuse of a plea deal. I’ll do my very best to compel the Judge to do just that…possibly more.

Savannah deserves her justice; I’m going to do my best to help serve it up.


Sentencing Letters due 10/13/2016

If you would like to write a letter to Judge Joan Sinclair at Maricopa County Superior Court requesting the maximum sentence for Reed and Clement for the murder of Savannah, I have attached a sample letter that POMC wrote in our behalf to use as a guide.

Your letter must be sent AS AN ATTACHMENT with your full name and address included and emailed to Brett Petersen at AZ Voice For Victims at and cc: ** before October 14th **.

Please address the Judge as Honorable Judge Joan Sinclair and include both case numbers as shown in the sample in your letter. Include your full name, title (if applicable) and address or use your professional letterhead.


Sentencing is set for October 21, 2016 for both. The Sentencing Hearing is open to the public and Stephen and I will be delivering our impact statements at that time.  We’re still a bit shy and could use one last nudge to get there if you feel inclined to help.  Every little bit helps.

It is our hope that the Judge will be flooded with your letters as we have been with your love and support these last 4 years. We must speak for Savannah’s silenced voice in this final push for full justice under the law.

Many thanks,

Cathy and Stephen

Today Is The Settlement Conference

Plea Offers Attached.

Today is the Settlement Conference – the day the family learns if Reed and Clement will accept the counter-offer plea agreement the Prosecution offered. Nothing will be known until about 6:30-7pm Eastern Time tonight due to the time difference.


A “Settlement Conference” (where a judge explains the gravity of the plea offer to the defendents so they completely understand what they are agreeing to – or not) is set for Aug 23rd at 1:30 AZ time. Although the new terms of the plea allow for them to wait until Aug 29th to decide, it was expressed in court that the defendents should decide by the 23rd (August) at the end of the settlement conference. They have had the plea offer since August 3rd to mull over, which is more than the usual time frame given to accept or reject a counter plea offer. Asking for them to make their decision on the 23rd is reasonable. Trial was due to begin on the 23rd – now this is happening instead.

For now, both trials have been moved to Sept 28th (Clement’s will go first – then Reed’s immediately following) unless Clement agrees to plea – then Reed’s trial will begin….unless Reed agrees to plea…and then the dynamics change into a sentencing hearing.

A pre-trial hearing is set for Sept 15th to confirm if trial is to begin, or whether sentencing will take place instead.

It’s almost over, it seems. Ball is in defendent’s court. Savannah Cross ‘s Justice is near.

The Plea Deals they were offered are as follows.

REED_ Plea agreement 04_01_13 to 12_31_14 Wednesday Aug 03 2016 at 025012 PM

CLEMENT_ Plea Agreement 03_31_13 or Before Thursday Aug 04 2016 at 012620 PM

#JusticeForSavannah is Near

The following Motions were filed 8/15/2016 by Ms. Cross Attorney requesting to Deny Motion To Continue:
A. Clement:
Cross Renewed Request to Deny MTC with Exhibits_Clement 08142016
B.  Reed:
Reed Renewed Request to Deny MTC with Exhibits_08142016 

1. On or about August 3, 2016, Defendants were offered a counter-plea deal offer. Both Stephen and myself were apart of a conference and it was explained. I asked for a couple of revisions. Those revisions were somewhat, but not fully met, and when it was put on paper, the deadlines were not as agreed upon by us and my attorney made that clear to the court. Stephen is satisfied with the final product. Since he is, so must I be. I/We cannot discuss what is in the plea agreement until it becomes public record on the 23rd of August.

2. A “Settlement Conference” (where a judge explains the gravity of the plea offer to the defendents so they completely understand what they are agreeing to – or not) is set for Aug 23rd at 1:30 AZ time. Although the new terms of the plea allow for them to wait until Aug 29th to decide, it was expressed in court that the defendents should decide by the 23rd (August) at the end of the settlement conference. They have had the plea offer since August 3rd to mull over, which is more than the usual time frame given to accept or reject a counter plea offer. Asking for them to make their decision on the 23rd is reasonable. Trial was due to begin on the 23rd – now this is happening instead.

3. For now, both trials have been moved to Sept 28th (Clement’s will go first – then Reed’s immediately following) unless Clement agrees to plea – then Reed’s trial will begin….unless Reed agrees to plea…and then the dynamics change into a sentencing hearing.

4. A pre-trial hearing is set for Sept 15th to confirm if trial is to begin, or whether sentencing will take place instead.

5. It’s almost over, it seems. Ball is in defendent’s court. Savannah’s Justice is near.

6. Stephen and I BOTH will HAVE to be there for Sentencing to give our Victim Impact statements. The court will not pay for that. We still need help to make that happen, so please – donate if you are able at and use the FAMILY link.

Thank you for your continued support.


URGENT Hail Mary #JusticeForSavannah

Folks, I have received potentially devastating news from Phoenix today. Something is in motion that must be stopped, and it can only be done if I am there IN PERSON and before July 27th. I am asking – begging for your help.  I will need to stay at least 4 days including a local rental car and do it all before July 27th.

I cannot discuss further due to sensitive content.  PLEASE DONATE by using the FAMILY LINK 

I will video my trip there and update you as things happen.  You may also likely see me on the news in the Phoenix area – but I have to GET THERE FIRST !

Please.  Donate RIGHT NOW.  


May 25, 2016 Pre Trial Conf Update

5/25/2016 Pre-Trial Conference update:

Clement’s Attorney files Motion to Continue.  Cathy Cross’s (Savannah’s Grandmother and Cross family Representative) Attorney files Motion To Deny Continuance representing the family of the Victim. Clement’s Attorney’s moton granted due to previously scheduled trial calendar conflicts; Judge orders opposing Attorneys provide the court with non-conflicting dates to solidify FIRM start Date for the Trial(s) for family’s consideration.  This also allows for the family to continue the fundraising to help with their trial attendance, which has not yet reached at a financial level for them to be able to attend, to date. (please continue to donate as you are able)

After Attorney’s compared calendars and eliminated all conflicts of scheduling,FIRM TRIAL DATE SET FOR August 23, 2016 for Allison Clement with the Judge ordering Reed’s trial to immediately follow the verdict of Clement’s case. (Mid October is anticipated). For Clement, the final pre-trial conference is August 8th at 0830. Reed’s attorney was present and raised no objections.

NOTICE:  The Cross family has significantly LOWERED the fundraising goal amount needed for trial attendence due to plans for strategic appearances throughout various sections of each trial. Rather than asking to attend daily throughout both trials which proves to be a tremendous expense, and out of respect for prospective donors who would contribute, plans are now for strategic appearances in court that will be 3-5 days in 3 increments for each trial for a total of 6 3-5 day appearances for crutial testimony, arguments and verdicts.

Please share Savannah’s story with your friends, families and social networks to continue to raise awareness that child abuse kills, and to continue the quest for Justice For Savannah and in support of this family’s fight to witness it be carried out.

The Latest

Allison Clement’s murder trial is set for 6/1/2016
Ryan Alan Reed’s murder trial is set for 7/11/2016
FIRM Trial Dates

See details .

Media inquiries may be directed to Brett Petersen at Crime Victim Enforcement Project / Arizona Voice for Crime Victims at 480-600-2661.

Delays Continue To Haunt Us

No, I haven’t forgotten you, but we sure feel forgotten.  Today’s hearing was only another continuation of what is turning into the marathon of hearings where Judge after Judge allows procrastination to rule the day.

There are 100 interviews to conduct.  Mostly, by the defense, then a counter interview by the prosecution…and vise versa, but let’s face it folks – they’ve had damn near three years to do this.  The only difference between when the defense was ready to go back in September last year and now are the two sexual assault charges.  Had the medical examiner had the report ready to go back then, this trial would have been over long ago.

So what the hell is the holdup now?  The only response I get is “its complex”.  No shit! The number of things that were done to Savannah alone makes this complicated BUT if the defense were ready back then…why not now?

The next hearing is October 22, 2015 and now, the new “last day” is December 3, 2015.  The “last day” is supposed to be the day when all parties are to have wrapped up their cases and be ready for the trial to begin.  That date has changed monthly for over a year now.

The question that hasn’t been answered, or even asked by any judge is “How many of the 100 interviews have you completed this far?” and “How much was accomplished since the last continuance?”.  There are no rigid expectations or goals in place for a steady chiseling away at the task. 10 each month would make for a ten month wait…d the math on other possibilities.  It’s been a year since the sexual assault charges were added – well long enough to have 10 a month interviewed and be ready to go.  That’s 2 a day for 5 days out of 30.  But no.

Another thing to consider is that in order for these experts and individuals to even be considered “witnesses”, multiple interviews would have already had to have taken place to begin with.  So why keep interviewing the same people all over again?  I do not understand it.  I cannot comprehend it, and I have gone through this rollercoaster of emotion to the point where I am now solely angry at what feels like gross incompetence on both sides of this case.

So we wait…still.

Some progress has been made in other areas.  I have been preparing a presentation for a “From the Heart” speaking tour. The content is from the victim’s family perspective and gives an outline of how cases like ours go wrong, then right, then wrong, and discusses the events surrounding the case, the autopsy photos and the absolute heartbreak of being in our skin as well as how to become an effective advocate for change and the mechanics of it all from my personal experience. I’ve gone from seeing those photos wth my heart, to seeing those photos as a teaching experience.  They are hard to look at, even more difficult to talk about, but if anything is going to change, it must be done.

In order to fully accomplish this, I had to obtain permission from the County Attorney, Bill Montgomery, to use Savannahs autopsy photos for the teaching experience.  That permission was granted.  Between the graphic content, honest talk and sensitive material, only survivors, law enforcement, child abuse organizations and social workers would be the target audience.  No cell phones cameras or recording devices will be allowed.

If you are apart of any of those groups and would like me to speak to your group, contact to book. Speaking fees are $2,000 plus travel and accommodations with a $1,000 non-refundable deposit to reserve the engagement. (US only). All proceeds will assist our family in attending the trial for the entire duration in Phoenix and begin to Fund the Memorial Fund (The Savannah Fund) to build the fund to help other families do the same for their loved ones.

Stephen is testing the waters in another State searching for some form of happiness.  He has had such a difficult time since Savannah’s death that he hasn’t had much sense of normalcy or happiness since.  He thought a change of scenery may help.  Keep him in your prayers as he explores a new path and I hope you will wish him well on that journey.  He is with a Marine buddy who he served with who can relate to many issues they both share in common and perhaps that is exactly what he needs right now…a battle buddy to talk things through mutually helping each other  along the way.  He hasn’t permanently moved yet, but he will be in the new surroundings a few months to test the waters.  I wish for him every happiness he can squeeze from every moment along the way.

This year’s cupcake Memorial is looking like it will be a more private affair.  The cost of last year’s event put us behind rather than ahead, and then we had someone who won a silent auction reverse the charge on his credit card while keeping the merchandise.  A real piece of work. His name is Daniel Ybarro, a member of FOP Eagles 3512 in Fort Wayne, Indiana and he’s a real piece of work to screw over a grieving family like that.  We are simply not flush enough to legally pursue the matter. Apparently he has no shame.  There is a special place in hell for folks like that.  I’m giving this one to the good Lord to handle for us.

I’ve had two people so far since school started back, message me, one publicly, to remind me that Savannah would not be starting school this year.  Although well intended and expressing condolences in the same breath, seriously folks, I don’t need reminders.  All of the back to school photos of all of the great kids are so joyous to see though – they all have a bright light in their eyes, a hopeful future ahead and that is always a good thing.

One of my childhood friends said to me she felt guilty for posting pictures of her grandkids having fun, living the good life, etc. because she know how empty we felt with the loss of Savannah.  NEVER feel guilty for that.  It is so wonderful to see children living the good life, doing well and enjoying the learning experience and the love of their family.  NEVER feel guilty about that  – embrace it and drink it up!  Share!  Share!  Share! I enjoy seeing all of your children and grandchildren’s successes and fun things they enjoy doing.  It brings me great joy and I am so happy for the good fortune of all of my friends, supporters and even strangers who post things that relate to having fun with the kids and their families.  Keep up the great posts!

I truly hope those who follow this blog are continuing to write their legislators and fighting the good fight.  I’m burned out actually, and haven’t written a letter in over 2 months now.  It feels like I’m doing this alone.  Nothing is changing – no progress since the child care block grant in the areas I am following.  The legislators just don’t understand it – and it is difficult to understand when you haven’t been touched by it.  Families like ours are a niche of our own.  It’s not the best club to be a member of, but it is one where everyone that is in it can entirely understand the tornado you are upheaved by and the anguish of the journey leading up to delayed and inadequate justice.  So please, keep up the good work while I catch my breath a bit and regroup.  I’ve been going nonstop for two and half years and I need a break from it.  Hopefully the speaking tour will begin and I will be able to continue the mission in person and in a more personal way.  It’s hard to connect on the net or in a letter when you cannot directly help others visualize the shock and awe that is a violent crime against a child and get many interested in joining the fight without them actually having any skin in the change you seek to make.

We have to keep trying.  We cannot ever give up.

That’s all I have for now.  Please keep us in your prayers or send us good vibes if that’s more your thing.  Every little bit keeps us energized and in forward motion.

I wish for you all happiness beyond measure, sunshine on your face and above all, I wish for you Grace.

Love to all,

June 1, 2015 Hearing Update

I had written the Judge in this case asking him to schedule the trial for the first available calendar opening.  I stated that had the ME completed the report in the CR2013003970 case, the trial would be over by now and that after two and a half years, I saw no compelling reason the Defense could not be prepared by now.   Here is my letter to Judge Gass for today’s hearing.  Ltr to Judge Gass

They had previously granted a delay so that Stephen and I could attend college without interruption, but in my letter, I expresed we both were now out of school, and that requested accomodation was no longer requested nor required.  I also requested that Clement’s Bond be returned to the original amount of $350K or increased to match Reed’s at $1mil because she was the one hired to be primary caregiver, not Reed, and everything that happened on her watch, was her ultimate responsibility.  No mention of that request was voiced in open court.

Here’s the summary of what happened in today’s hearing:
June 1, 2015 HEARING UPDATE:  Time waived due to complex nature of discovery.  Next hearing Aug 6. Case is not ready for trial and it will be a while. Judge hopes victims family understands how complex it is. New Last Day Oct 4. New Judge Assigned, Judge Joan Sinclair (female). End

“New last day” means the final date everyone has to get it all in one sock and be ready for trial.  This date has continually changed and here we are today, with yet another New Last Day being in October.  I would rather be in Phoenix in the winter than in the summer, but we’ll be there whenever we need to be – and be grateful we are there at all.

The previous assessment that this trial will be a long one, is apparently an understatement for the ages.  Anticipated length of trial when it does begin is in excess of 4 months, with a 30 day separation between conviction and sentencing, making total combined time for us to be in Phoenix at least 6 months.

If anyone has a lead on a handicap accessible apartment near the courthouse we could rent – that will be much cheaper than a hotel at daily rates.  We are going to need the public’s help to achieve this.  As you all know, we both are on disability and are struggling as it is.  Whatever you are able to do to help out, we thank you in advance from the bottom of our hearts.

Justice is coming.  Let’s all keep the faith.


He is Risen. She is still dead.

I can’t help but wonder what we would be doing today if Savannah were still alive.  The memory of the last Easter is all we can build on. In 2012, Easter was April 8th – the last day of pure joy for our family in being with Savannah.

Savannahs hand in state

As Stephen went out to hide eggs for the big hunt, she sneakily followed him and was picking them up one by one, and once discovered, everyone laughed at her crafty ability to just cut to the chase.  Candy necklace as bracelets, chocolate faced smiles.  I miss her so much.

Mark, Stephen and Grandpa Cross begged Ashley to let her stay with family.  Stephen was still in outpatient treatment at the VA, but he had a vast network to help – that wanted to help – that loved her with all of our hearts.  Ashley’s life was busy with school, work (although we didn’t know everything at that time), and she adamantly  denied anyone from doing what she was unwilling to… Savannah and keep her safe.  Had any of us known the real truth, she would not have had an option to deny us.  But that isn’t how it shook out, is it?

Easter week is a hard week for us every year, with no end in sight for being able to move past the loss, as we cling to the memories and still cannot balance why any of this had to happen.  Every Easter Sunday now, I fast.  Three days in the week of Easter, between Monday and Good Friday, I fast.  In my mind, I know He delivered her from evil as we all pray for every time we recant the Lord’s Prayer; in my heart, it was all unnecessary and pure spite that killed her.  Ashley’s spite in keeping her away, and Reed and Clement’s spite for …well, hell, they were getting paid, so I have no idea why – but I felt a need to say it was spite.  It feels like spite.  It feels like allot of things.

I think I’ve mentioned that I am a candidate for City Council.  The primary is May 5th. I am asked on many interviews as to why I am running for office.  Everyone that follows this blog already knows the answer to that question, but I have to keep saying it over and over again – Savannah, and other reasons, but mostly, Savannah.  The follow-up question is usually “well, City Council can’t do anything about things of that nature, what do you hope to accomplish?”.  My answer to that is a couple of things – OK – four things.

1.  City Councils can take a stand and collectively write their State Legislature and request a zero tolerance policy on crimes against children. That needs to be done.
2.  City Councils can take a stand and push funding from non-violent matters into areas that relate to crimes against children, be it Meth, cocaine and heroin in the home, domestic abuse, child abuse and gang related activity and help our Police Departments and investigative agencies have the funds they need to prevent as much as they are able to.
3.  City Councils can take a stand by working with the County Prosecutor’s office and collectively write them, and judges at every State level asking for stricter punishments and longer imprisonment – the maximums rather than the minimums and call for  a serious look at the disparity in punishments that currently exists where someone who hurts or kills a dog is given more jail time than someone who does the same to a child.
4.  City Councils, can take a stand and as apart of economic development, specifically ask those who do business in our City to actively participate in the social good of the community and create opportunities to develop character, and not just profits or jobs.  We need to give them something they do not want to lose and recognize the value of engaging positively instead of negatively to their own prosperity.

Pipe dream?  I think not.  What City Council in their right minds would ever say no to doing that if the topic came up from another member of the body?  If that doesn’t establish a concern for the overall good of a community, I sure as hell do not know what else would.  It makes a bold statement that we want our children protected better than what is currently being done.  I personally know of at least one case where CPS is keeping the horrors against children that are being committed in our community under the hush threshold so no one learns how bad it really is in our City.  That is wrong – people need to know.  Parents should be punished, and the work on reunification.  Not reunification without punishments.  You don’t announce to a meth head or cocaine user that “Meet us at the office on Monday for your drug screen” when that gives them the heads up to binge out and in 72 hours they will not test positive and they are still using and it remains under the radar just to keep the caseworker’s life easier managed.  DO NOT ANNOUNCE the drug screen.  Geesus man – what the hell are they  thinking?

City Councils have more influence than they currently exercise, particularly in the matters mentioned above.  I honestly don’t think they’ve ever thought to flex that muscle.  I’ll flex it for them, given the opportunity.  They need a conscience (City Council), and I can at least be that.  I do have 33 years of other skills that are equally as compelling to use for the purpose of the overall good of the City, and I have lived here 21 years now and I seem to feel the pulse that City Council just can’t find to the real community, and not just the community you see on promotional brochures and commercials.

Of course the main duties of the Council is public safety, economic development, growth, infrastructure (which includes public works) and fiscal responsibility to fund all of the above.  It also includes “enhancing the lives” of those that live in the community.  That has a broader meaning to me than it seems to in the minds and actions of those currently serving.

Crime is a choice.  I think it’s been well established that murder is against the law, yet people consciously continue to commit it with a “what have I got to lose” attitude. We need to give them something they do not want to lose. We need to bring businesses to the community that includes benefits for everyone, is philanthropic, volunteers, and gives those struggling the most pride and a glimmer of hope.  It only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to launch a thousand ships, and that brings with it, hope.   We need business to inspire, not just exist.  Strategic development with partners who do more than offer jobs is what is needed here.  It’s time to add those questions to the screening process for any City subsidized effort for development, and put a performance measure in as apart of a proper check and balance to see they are keeping their word.

Reed and Clement had no pride.  They had nothing to look forward to outside of the babysitting fees that kept the meth flowing.  He was a meth head and very possibly, so was she.  If not, she supported him doing it, even around the kids, and did nothing to protect them from it – and in Arizona, she may as well have done it herself as far as the law is concerned.

Running a political campaign is costly, but I’d rather have a vote than have hard working people give up their money to buy me yard signs or billboards.  They are who I speak for, and I can’t in good conscience complain about not having any campaign contributions (none so far), when I know what it’s like working hard for your money, and giving everything you have to keep your family afloat, especially if you are a single parent. I completely understand how difficult it is to part with what could be your next month’s rent for a political campaign.  I am not a corporate sponsored candidate.  I can’t be bought – that also could be why no one has contributed – I make no promises in return.

I have to try to serve the community.  I think all of you understand that, right? At least there is one shining beacon – that is I never lose.  I either win, or I learn.  Losing is never an option.

Case Update
The next hearing is April 15th. (Have you filed your taxes yet – do it!)  The Medical Examiner ass hat that held our case up for a year and allowed the release of them momentarily from jail (you know that story) was FINALLY interviewed March 30th.  I am told that the ME interview set the foundation for the rest that are to follow – over 100 defense witnesses are yet to be interviewed, and that has to happen before  a firm trial date can be made.  As it stands right now, the Judge has ordered for it all to be completed by mid-June.  With the defense offering up over 100 witnesses, I cannot fathom what they can possibly say that could make what Reed and Clement do to Savannah justified.  I am assuming they are friends. family, church members, etc., etc., that will try to speak for them in some way.  Firefighters, EMS, Forensic specialists, lab techs and the Medical Examiner are speaking for Savannah.  I’d call that a power team.  Science will always win the day in court.  (I pray).

All total, over 150 witnesses are to testify – then be cross-examined, then be addressed again for follow up by the team that presents them. This will be a very long trial in comparison to others like it.  Two defendants instead of one, both with different attorneys.  Us, sitting there having to listen to it all, see the photos again – this time on a huge overhead screen, hearing the details of the pain she suffered through, the science behind the evidence and the awful abuse, molestation and damage that was done to her.  Any chance of healing is only a dream until all of this comes out again, and punishment is finalized.  My heart aches just thinking about it, and I’m not sure how I’ll do, much less Stephen.  He’s still not yet recovered, even remotely. He puts on a good face though, as we all have to do and just push through until Savannah has her justice.  As for me, containing my anger will be the most epic exercise I’ll ever to have to accomplish in this lifetime thus far.  It’s already broken me – twice.

Ashley will be the FIRST witness for the prosecution to establish that she is her mother and she hired Reed and Clement to take care of Savannah – and that’s it .  That establishes foundation for the entire case, placing the responsibility for her death square on Reed and Clement.  They cannot ask her anything further, but I completely expect to learn more and more about Ashley as the trial progresses that will be foundation for her to be brought up on charges.  Plan B includes a wrongful death suit for all three that I will be the driving force for.  We’ll be going to an attorney in PHX there and engaging his/her law students for that case.

With the assistance of kind and generous hearts, all of the bills related to her death and the aftermath, attorney consultations, etc have been paid in full.  We’re beginning again, now at ZERO.  With the trial date looking more like August (if they don’t keep changing it – we’re closer to it now than ever before), anyone interested in helping out so we are able to go and stay for the duration can still contribute using the FAMILY LINK at

We are appreciative of any effort made for that purpose.  We’ve filed the proper paperwork for NPO status with the IRS, but have been told that the IRS is understaffed, it’s tax season and they are saying it could be months, possibly a year or more before it would be granted do to all of the above.  So we wait.  Donations to the family are not tax deductible in any case because we are officers of the organization.  We are especially grateful to those who help out knowing there is no gain for them in the process – it is coming from a giving heart and a love for Savannah and children like her who deserve their justice served.

Hold your children close. I am speaking of children of all ages, because the older they get, the more encouragement they need to keep the bad choices at bay.  Some will fall, they always do (and many parents never know it), but be there to pick them up and help them move in a more positive direction.  As parents, that’s all we can do is try.   Hug them often.  Tell them how awesome they are and how their future has promise.  Tell them over and over again and encourage them every single day.  If you know someone who uses Meth, cocaine or heroin – intervene.  Get them to help and stand by them in the process because there is value in them…you may not see it, but it is there. Call adult protective services if you have to for the ones over 18.  If they have kids – call child protective services and get those children to safety – it doesn’t matter who you piss off – just DO IT.

I’m sorrowful that Reed and Clement chose not to seek their value out and put their children and Savannah at risk….and ultimately killed her and lost their children forever.  They chose that, and the people around them allowed them to stay in that choice.   I still cannot forgive, but I am still working on it.

I haven’t updated this page in awhile, I know.  I haven’t had much to say, but with the campaign interviews always asking me about why I am trying to make a difference – I thought I would come back to the source and vent today and remind you too that you can make a difference in your own community.  Step up.  VOTE.  SERVE.  VOLUNTEER. CARE!

Oh, did I mention that our Coroner in the County where I live is a freaking DENTIST and just got his pay reduced over $7,000 because apparently, they do not understand the value of a Coroner?  Yeah, a Dentist.  What the hell is up with that?  Coroner’s are elected here, not appointed or privatized.  Isn’t that reason enough to try to make things better?  I can’t do it from my recliner.  Neither can you. Engage.  Please.

Bringing it all full circle, It’s Easter again. He is risen.  She is still dead.  We have to be His warrior for children.  Our actions define the effort.  I’m walking my talk.  Join me in that effort.

Give your babies a kiss from me and tell them GrammyC has their backs!

Love to you all,

The Beast That is Grief #JusticeForSavannah #PHX

Grief.  It’s a beast.  I read where Bobbie Kristina Brown had her go at a possible suicide the other day, just a few days shy of her mother’s passing anniversary.  The information isn’t clear yet as to what caused that, but being face down in the bathtub is never a good position to be in.

Grief makes your mind go places they’ve never been before.  I have had countless arguments with myself in my head as to whether I should just go join Savannah, Mom, Dad, Sis, my Brother, etc.  The conversation goes back and forth when days seem endless with no joy within them.  My faith, however, intervenes every time because if I were to take my own life, I could never join my family members that made it to the destination I’d desire to end up at.  So I’m still here.  Plugging away at something that resembles a purpose, often wondering if any of it is worthwhile at times, seems moot some days. Other days, I’m more determined than ever to make a difference in any way I can to my community, what’s left of my family, and try to help others who share the kind of pain we have- that have nowhere to turn either.

School has begun once again.  This is my final Semester for this particular degree program.   Stephen is in his second semester now; we are both doing well.  Both of us have chosen to strive for happiness.  No one will forget, nor will our hearts ever stop beating for Savannah and her justice.  Staying in that deep-set grief is medically tasking.  You have to choose to strive for some sort of normality, and after 2 years we’ve had a discussion and decided to at least try.  Some days, we may seem very inappropriate to others.  Other days it is as if Savannah’s murder just happened yesterday.  I don’t expect that to change anytime soon.

Trying to regain some sort of balance in our emotions and getting back out in the public eye after such a bruise to our hearts is difficult.  We won’t always say the right things, or act in a manner of blanket acceptance; but we’re both actively trying now. It’s hard to give yourself permission to laugh and be happy again when you know your what remains of your daughter and Grandchild lay 8 feet underground with the chance for a full life never to happen.

Grief is the full weight of the world.

It’s time for us to try to heal now instead of allowing ourselves to remain bruised.  It’s time to fight for justice for all, making ourselves better people, and leading by example as best we are able.  Please forgive us if you disagree. With the journey ahead, the trial in June-July, and the task of trying to be there for the whole thing is always in the back of our mind, Savannah’s always with us.

So many kind people have stepped up to help us.  The lawyers have been paid off now, the expenses have all been paid off for the funeral, Emergency room, headstone, etc and the Cupcake Memorial – well, we made $30 after expenses for that.  The up side of it all was that having the Cupcake Memorial at a public place, with food, entertainment, speakers, etc – it brought more awareness than had previously been the case, and that is always a very good thing. We’re certainly no  We can’t possibly afford the kind of fundraising events they hold, but they didn’t begin with huge balls at expensive hotel ballrooms either. Our journey is in it’s infancy.  It will take diligence, perseverance and a steady pathway to get to where we want to be.  I’m OK with that.  Whatever it takes.

When my Financial Aid drops in two weeks, I will be sending that $840 check to the IRS for The Savannah Fund to be an NPO Public Charity.  When I called the IRS to discuss proper options for the best categorization for our cause, a public charity was the best suited option, as donations can be accepted form any source, not just a foundation or grants.  After the IRS has stamped that payment received, and deposits that check, all incoming donations to The Savannah Fund will be tax deductible for the donors.  Praise God.  Those that help us out as a family through trial assistance donations however, will not be tax deductible.  The Non-profit rules and regs state we cannot directly benefit from the funds of the charity.  I wish it could be different, but at least going forth, other families like ours will be able to have a lifeline, and I’m thrilled to be able to help them. As we’re beginning this journey to seek out those like us, who need the help, I would ask that if you know of any family that has had or is going through a similar situation as ours – help us connect with them.  It’s a rare occasion to find someone who has lost a little one like us – being so far away – and yet – divorced families, military deployed personnel with their children in high risk situations abound. After endless calls to multiple states, agencies, etc, only to learn that nothing existed for situations like ours – it was clear there was a need for The Savannah Fund.  Even helping one family at a time, if that is the best we can do for now, will be a blessing to others that I am so happy to be apart of.

The holidays are over – wasn’t that exhausting?  The exhaustion comes in many forms, doesn’t it?  Mine was from not having anyone to shop for.  Stephen and I agreed to not spend money travelling to each other or gifting to each other until after the funds were secured to go to Phoenix and stay there for the whole trial and through sentencing, and the entire event was over – after Savannah’s justice has been served.  It’s exhausting to recollect that the very last gift you buy your Granddaughter or daughter are their burial clothes.  That just never goes away.  That reminder keeps you from putting up a Christmas tree, or even eat dinner with friends or do anything that resembles the spirit of Santa or celebrating the birth of someone who wasn’t even born in December to begin with – but that’s an entirely different conversation, isn’t it?

I suggested a pretty red or blue velvet with lace trimmed jumper dress with leggings and a pretty lace top.  Stephen found something very close.  It’s hard to find too much of anything long sleeved in Phoenix, when they have no idea what a real winter looks like.

He found a gorgeous red, black and white plaid jumper, with golden threading scalloped trim, a long sleeved white turtleneck with red scalloped trim, white leggings and white shoes.  It was a gorgeous outfit.  Daddy’s little girl.  He dressed her for the last time.  He didn’t physically dress her, but he provided the outfit she was dressed in.

Little did we know what laid underneath that beautiful clothing, and wax-covered aesthetic wax appearance-enhancers the funeral home had to use.  We had no idea that the leggings covered only half of her legs that was left and half of a buttocks because sections of her had to be removed, put in a jar and sent to a lab.  We didn’t know that the scallop trimmed shirt would be covering ligature marks on her throat and cigarette burns, multiple bruises and we didn’t know, until he saw her, that the little girl he would be seeing, looked nothing like our Savannah due to the extensive reconstruction that had to be done just to make her presentable enough to be viewed by the family.

We didn’t know her entire face had been peeled off to the bone for the autopsy, and we didn’t know she had to be carved up in sections to peel back the muscle tissue to expose the damage that son of a bitch and his wife did to her so evidence could be taken, photos taken and testing could be run on her tissues.  We didn’t know both her eyes were in a jar sitting on a lab shelf in the medical examiner’s office NOT being sent off to a lab for testing.  We didn’t know then why they insisted we should get long sleeved, high collared clothing.  The funeral home folks were very kind though, in explaining that there was much damage, and to remember her in an easier manner, those long sleeved, high collared items would be highly recommended.  So that is what was bought for her.

Two years later and I still can’t get that out of my mind.  it took one year after her death to get the autopsy photos and report.  One year to understand why a closed casket was the preference.  I have a picture of her laying in state that Stephen took for me.  The little girl in that marble casket was beautifully prepared, but there was no mistaking her trauma – so much so, Stephen didn’t allow anyone else to see her, but himself, Mark and me. He did offer Ashley’s family – but we all know that no one showed up.  After sending Ashley a text with that picture and the words (paraphrasing) “I hope you can live with yourself” – her casket was sealed for the trip home.

I can’t do Christmas lights and trees and festivals just yet.  I can’t be around children still without completely falling in a puddle of tears.  I love children – they are such a bright light.  Not being able to be around them is a tug on my heart that hasn’t yet healed. There are many obstacles between me and trying to find some sense of normalcy, happiness and “moving on” beyond the grief.  Do you understand why it is we have to try though?  We have to try. Just as with Bobbie Kristina missing her mom so much she’d want to join her – those thoughts pull at us too – often.  We cannot give into that, so we have to stay productive, seek out happiness, plot and stay the course and climb over the mountain and get back to the village that is life.

The next hearing is February 19th.  I cannot be more stunned to learn the Judge in this matter has granted Clement a reduction of Bond to $150K.  So far, she’s still in jail.  June-July can’t get here fast enough for me.  I am looking forward to staring into their eyes, introducing myself and telling them first hand what I think of their “defense”.  I want words with their prospective parents too.  I want their parents to know that I do not blame them for the actions of their children, but I do blame them for turning a blind eye – Savannah’s blind eye – to what they had to know was not right and needed policing.

I pray for a miracle today, as I do every day, that our angel will make a way for us, and I believe in miracles. Below, find the remarks from the 2014 Cupcake Memorial.  It is a brief history of Savannah’s case, and how it feels to be us.  It also addresses things we can do to help make a difference in our own community.


Remarks from the 2014 Savannah K Cross Cupcake Memorial Program

Today, December 30, 2014 is what would have been Savannah’s 5th Birthday.  My heart aches for happier times, days with her, and the happiness that could have been.

Sunday, The Savannah Fund had their public introduction.  Here are the remarks from that event.

Remarks from the 2014 Savannah K Cross Cupcake Memorial Program


We buried Savannah 2 years ago today. Her mother, nor anyone else on that side of the family showed up to say goodbye. Not in AZ, and not in CO.

No one felt like singing. At the services, the music played, me and Stephen tried to fake our way through it, but we didn’t want to sing…at all. No one else wanted to sing, either.

I cannot describe the pain that happens when you see a tiny little 3 1/2ft casket being put so deep within the ground, and your only granddaughter (for Stephen, daughter) is inside of it with no way out. 20 degrees, wind whipping us on the mountain top, and about 6 inches of snow on the ground.

Stephen helped lower her into the ground himself. He wanted to honor his daughter. He had brought a flashlight for her. He turned it on, and laid it inside the grave with her. Then he laid on the ground beside her in the snow and cried out to God asking why, being consoled by his step brother Mark. I’ll have that vision engraved on my heart and burned deep into my soul all of the days I have left of my life.  As a parent , I cannot fathom the depths of his pain.  I don’t think I could bear it.

He didn’t want to leave her there. Neither did I.

Welcome to our new Decembers.  Where everything once joyous, is now replaced with multiple reminders throughout the entire month (11th, 22nd, 30th) of a senseless, cruel and brutal loss of an innocent child we all loved.

Christmas for me will never be the same.

The very thought of Clement making bond and being home for 2  consecutive Christmases since Savannah’s death –  makes my blood boil.  How dare she sit at the table with her family for Christmas while we continue to have the empty chair at the table on Christmas….and every other holiday.  What kind of a Judge would even consider that?  Well now, we have one.  David Gass – Maricopa County Superior Court.  During the last hearing on December 17th, he allowed Clement’s motion for a reduction of bond to be set at $150K (secured) bond, with supervised release, ankle monitoring, no contact with children under 18 years of age and house arrest.  Her family was in the courtroom ready to take her home on the original motion for $50K – but it won’t take them long to wrangle up the rest.  It’s my understanding they have plenty of money and property.  She comes from a nice Mormon family…..thing is, we’re Mormon too. I’m not active in the church, but that has nothing to do with faith – that has to do more with logistics. The church is likely helping the Clements. I wish I could speak with her Branch or Ward President.  I have some pictures he needs to see.  From what I’ve been told, Clement’s mother was a Relief Society President at some point, or possibly still is.    That just blows my mind.

I’ll be counting on active legislative advocacy in 2015 from everyone who beats your drum for children.  We have to gear up for the trial in late Spring/early Summer.  There is much to do.  Someone has to speak up – we all can add to that voice!

Whoever can make it – please try to come to the Cupcake Memorial this year.  We’ve had such an outpouring of love from you all, this event is also to thank you  Please come.

2014 Cupcake Memorial Invitation

2 year Angel-versary

I’m writing this just a tad before midnight, but in remembrance of Savannah’s trip to heaven 2 years ago, December 11, 2012.  2 years ago today,  this happened, and our world was forever changed.

I’d like to thank Adams State University’s Veterans Club for what you are doing for Savannah’s Dad today (Thursday the 11th).  Your kindness and generosity in conducting your own Cupcake Memorial for him, confirms everything good we know of those that have served our country.  It’s a rough day for us – thanks for being there for him.

I’m glad I have tomorrow off from school. When Stephen called me to tell me of Savannah’s death 2 years ago today, I was at school. It was about 4:10pm my time zone – 2:10pm his/phx time.  It took them that long to notify him after she had died at 7am.  I know what the death certificate says, but she was already gone when they got to the house.  They kept trying, but it was already too late. It took them 7 hours to tell Stephen.  Ashley had called him from the police station.  Stephen spoke with the police directly.  The rest is history…and unfinished business.

Here I am again in the exact same scenario.  The last two weeks of the Semester.  Finals bearing down on me. ..all with a huge hole in my heart.  Some days, it’s really hard to maintain a good front.  If people could see the pain I carry around, I would glow in the dark. It gets heavy.  Really heavy.

The celebrations of December have been tarnished by the memorials that have replaced them.  The life blood is sucked right out of you with back to back remembrances of yet another loss.

Savannah ZooWe need to turn this grief into a message.  Savannah’s voice should be heard.  A message of prevention, caring, shared interests, protection, community and action; we all need to walk our talk.

I am only one person.  We need armies of activists, letter-writers, phone friends and researchers.  Read your current laws, scrutinize them , strengthen them, or repeal them. Write your local, State and Federal Representatives and tell them how you feel.

5 children die every day in the US due to child abuse, neglect or murder. ( 2014)

Savannah’s became an Angel 2 years ago.  Sometimes it feels like she is sitting right next to me.  I can still smell her hair – fresh from the bath, smelling like baby shampoo and lotion.  Sleepy little eyes, swaddled  with Grandma rocking her to sleep.  I love her.  I still feel numb.

Savannah, our Angel-versary sweetheart.  We miss you.





The next hearing is December 17th at 8:30 in Phoenix.  Keep us in your thoughts.


Total Emotional Trauma

Here we are.  Now approaching year 2 of living in the wake of our angel going to heaven and leaving us behind to insure her justice, in the dim light that remains without her smile.

Of all the months, in all of my life, December is now unbearable with no improvement in sight for the rest of my entire life.  It isn’t a joyous occasion, not in any sense of the word. 

My birthday is the 4th, Reeds and Clements is the 5th and 8th – I think – I could look it up for exact dates but I’m not giving them one minute of my day today outside of mentioning that  knowing they share the same birth month of Savannah and me turns my stomach inside out.

Thanksgiving.  A TV dinner, homemade pie and coffee.  That’s it – by choice.  If Stephen lived close, it would be different, but with 2,000 miles between us, neither of us can travel….so we make due, and that’s OK.  We’re both good with that for now.  We both know what travel is the real priority, and we can wait until then to see each other.

Today, I was reading on a site that has helped me so much, and ran across an article where a mother that had lost her Son, said what I’ve been wanting to say and didn’t know how to , until now.  Her words explain completely what it feels like inside my chest, mind and home.  

She wrote this brilliantly, and there is nothing more I could possibly add.

She said:

“Grief takes away your ability to breath. It takes away your talent, your normal, it takes away you. You have become an emotional freight train on a one way track to no where. There’s suddenly no future ahead, only memories behind and darkness all around. It is void of people, reason, hope. It is the end all and beginning of every day filled with endless sorrow, oceans of tears, misunderstandings and loneliness. People you thought you knew, become strangers, strangers become friends. It is a world turned inside out with no up or down. It is a place where one kind word can turn you into a messed up pile of mush on the floor. Where your lost loved ones name on someones lips brings great joy beside the sorrow in your heart because they cared enough to remember them and compassionate enough to mention them.

And then the holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, special days start. All the firsts that you have to survive. Those who are still here expect you to be there for those days, expect more from you than you have to give. More emotional trauma. That is what grief is, total emotional trauma that eventually becomes physical as well. How do we walk through this minefield that throws everything at you even the kitchen sink. Nothing is exempt from this when death occurs unless you are the few who have no feelings at all and then it is assumed that you are a sociopath, serial killer etc. Someone will always have a tag for every thing. Untag yourself. What you are going through is unique to you. Painful as that is, this grief is yours, different from anyone else. You will have many similar experiences as others and some that are not. The thing is, what works for one may not work for another. Listen to your inner voice.

When those firsts, seconds, thirds come along, listen to what your emotions tell you. If you are not at a place where you can be around others at those times, don’t force yourself just because it is expected. You need to be in protection mode for you are raw and easily hurt. I made the mistake of going to a function when my heart was screaming not to. What happened is not worth mentioning anymore but to say that I would have been better off to not have attended, although the end results may have been the same anyway. When it comes down to it, you are the only one who knows what you can handle. Most of the time it is trial and error but you do learn what your triggers are, what will make you hurt or send you into a week long spiral of sadness. There will be many triggers and some are unavoidable. Those you have to learn to breath through until you get to the other side and you may have to do that often.

Time is not your friend nor is it your enemy. For me, time does not heal. There are some hurts that are forever they just change faces as the world moves along. Today, I do not feel the same deep raw pain as I felt 11 months ago, but I do feel pain. It has become a part of who I am now. No closure, no getting past it or beyond it or over it. Those words are just what people think should happen. I think it is learning to live with it, accept that it is there, learn to live differently. Yeah, I hate it too, but what do you do when something comes to stay? You learn to live with it. You cry when you need to cry, or scream if that is what you need. You hide your tears away or wear them for all to see. There is no right or wrong about this. There is no one who has the right to tell you where you should be in this process.

This is not a journey, it is a way of life. It is not a process for processes come to an end. There are no words to adequately state what this is. I can’t tell you that everything is going to be alright because how can it be? Will this grief stay forever? For some, yes for others, it will change. Some will find a different path and some will continue along the one they are on. One cannot know who will or will not develop a scar, who will stay in that moment of loss, who will move sideways from it. I have read everything I can, talked to many, searched the internet. Some people have helped when I have read their words, seen into their life. Others, not so much. I have read up on PTSD and realized that most of us have it in small measures and large ones. It helps to know this because we are so confused with our reactions to simple things. Finding out why you react the way you do helps take some of that confusion away.

I don’t want to seem like I am giving advice for who am I to do so? I can only tell you where I am, what I see, feel, do. It does not mean that path is right for you. But maybe, just maybe, something in that path will help you. If there was a sure fire way of taking the sorrow away, we would all jump on it. None of us wants to be here. None of us had a choice. If my heart touches you, then you have blessed me and helped me along this lonely road. If you can take one step further with me then you have helped me take one step more.” 

About the Author

dream1dancer's picture   My name is Barbara Mason. My son, Tim left this world on January 5th 2014 at the age of 34. I have lost many, including my Dad and Mom and have never felt the pain and grief that this loss brought. Every day became a struggle with no hope for relief from the horror in sight. The only thing that would help was an impossible wish, to have my boy back again. I started writing about Tim and this new life and found some comfort and hope to give comfort to others.
The entire article can be found at
She said it all.

“Savannah”. Our New Anthem

This morning I received an email after posting a status that I had Savannah on my mind.  I knew I would see her again, but the void was still there that I could not see her now.  Yesterday was filled with emotion, yet the responsibilities at hand needed to be attended to, so I pushed through.

The email said:

Hi Cathy,
I want you to know that I wrote a song and put it on YouTube. I want you to be the first to hear it. It is called Savannah. I hope you like it. 

Blessings,  Al

I followed the link, pressed PLAY, and the tears began streaming and 5 hours later, keep flooding in.  Al had seen my posting and the picture I had of Savannah with it.  He later said:

  “Cathy, i saw her picture in your blog and the song just came to me. I had to share it with you.  I deliberately did not appear in video because it was ALL about her, not me.  After seeing that picture, I just had to write it.”

Here is the picture I had posted:

Savannah Zoo


And now, here is the song it inspired:

Savannah, by Al Muoio
Our New Anthem

With heartfelt thanks to Al Muoio,




‘Tis The Season

For many years, I have been a supporter for the USMC Reserve’s Toys For Tots Program alongside the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program. One is for clothing, the other for toys.

Savannah attended the last big TFT and Angel Tree Collection event that I sponsored at a local American Legion in 2010 with her Daddy. She danced with her daddy holding her on the dance floor, ate cake and loved being around fun people with big hearts. She was 3 weeks from being 1 yr old then. She was the star of the party. Little could we imagine then, that 2 yrs later – just 19 days shy of her 3rd birthday, we’d be planning her funeral.

This year, before we get too deep into the retail holiday season, I would like to encourage everyone to please go get a name from the Angel Tree at your local Salvation Army location, and drop of an excellent toy or two to the Toys For Tots drop off location nearest you. Info on where that is can be found at the links below.

If YOUR family needs assistance this season, NOW is the time to apply for both places through the same links below.

Toys For Tots:

Salvation Army Angel Tree

Love to you all,


October 2014 Case update – Now Complex / CAPITAL case

Reed October Hearing Update

The Court Minute entry with more details can be found HERE.  If it is true that the Complex designation as entered also makes this a CAPITAL case, then that puts the Death Penalty on the table, and I am SO alright with that.  I do not believe in an easy death for a brutal murder, but I am alright with Life w/out Parole so they have to live in a small cell, isolated – just like they did to Savannah, and hopefully we’ll have a bit of jailhouse justice take care of the rest.  I’d be OK with that, too.  Once the prison population finds out what they did, I would not think it would take long for them to get a dose of what they did to Savannah, at least in the male population of the prison.

The new LAST DAY is April 8, 2015, which means that is the final date the trial can begin within the COMPLEX guidelines, BUT at the scheduling hearing on Nov 17, 2014, each attorney can propose when the trial should begin.  The Prosecutor already has our academic calendars, so we are hoping she will ask for it to begin when we can actually be there the 3rd week of May.  Funding our attendance is a mountainous task in which no other agency assists with.  PLEASE help us be there and donate today HERE . Stephen and I are forever grateful to those who are assisting in this effort to allow us to witness first-hand, Savannah’s justice being served.

Blessing to all who continue to support Savannah’s justice.  Keep those cards and letters going out to your legislators to make the changes needed to protect our children, redefine abandonment and shut down the evil with more stringent punishments for crimes against our children.  Now is not the time to slack off in these efforts.  It must be a diligent task that is a constant, and that takes continuing efforts on all of our part.

Christmas is right around the corner.  Savannah will never see the joy of another Christmas, nor will we – with her.  Her birthday is December 30, she would have been 5 this year.  I can’t help but think she’d be singing “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen all over the place by now and for Halloween, she’d want to be Elsa.   Reed, Clement and Ashley stole that from her, and us.  There will be no Christmas Tree nor gifts exchanged for Stephen and me.  Christmas will never EVER be the same again.

If you are able to travel for the event, I will once again have a Cupcake Memorial in honor of Savannah on Sunday, December 28th from 4pm-10pm here in Fort Wayne, Indiana; this time, it includes a fundraiser.  Your invitation is enclosed.

This year, the cupcakes will be themed from the movie Frozen and Dora The Explorer.  2 sets of white balloons will be released, one set to honor her Birthday, the other to Memorialize her passing.  Please join us if you are able.

2014 Cupcake Memorial Invitation

As for me and Stephen, school is going well for us both (so far).  Keep us in your prayers and good thoughts.

That’s all for now.  Sending love and light your way.  Thank you to all of our angels.  You know who you are.


UPDATE:  OK – well as it turns out the CAPITAL does NOT mean the CAPITAL we think it does. “They lump the two categories together Complex/Capital as they are both very involved cases. More discovery and interviews to go over and conduct. ” – Victims Assistant Rep for the Cross family.  The case is simply now COMPLEX for the reasons mentioned above.

Save The Date

2014 Cupcake Memorial Invitation


September 2, 2014 Hearing: Results

Today’s hearing in AZ vs. Ryan Reed and Allison Clement:

1. No media was present.  Apparently it’s not sweeps week.
2. Case determined COMPLEX. Motion still needs to be filed.
3. Savannah’s Mother was not in attendance
4. Next hearing is October 2nd at 8:30 in front of Judge Gates which is a settlement conference. (discuss case)
5. File management conference set for November 3rd at 8:30.
6. Allison Clement’s attorney filed a motion to extend time to file motion to deny grand jury charges.
7. Both defendants appeared in jail stripes and shackles. (rocking the bling)

And so it begins again, and finally

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 0815, the 1st of several Pre-trial Conferences begin in the murder case of AZ vs Ryan Alan Reed and Allison Clement .  This day, is when the case calendar gets set.

We’ve been here before, This time, however, Reed and Clement have both been charged with Murder 2, but with a twist, which could be very interesting come jury deliberation and sentencing.  The actual charge is not a death penalty case, BUT the way the charges are described and classified, could very well lead to that.   When you add up the minimum sentences for the charges against Reed, he could be spending the rest of his life in jail anyhow.  Parole?  Not likely, not once the jury sees what they did to Savannah and hear the details and findings and photos.

The same applies to Clement.  Add up all of the possible minimum sentences she could get if found guilty of all charges – and she too, will die in jail.

I cannot fathom any jury giving them any chance of parole after seeing and hearing the evidence.  Seeing as they are married, it sure gives a new light to the term “till death do we part”.  Except this time, it is Savannah’s death that made the parting of the beloveds….and it will be THEIR DEATH that finalizes the Karma they created for themselves in taking her from us.

Of course, we cannot be at all of the monthly conferences.  They last about 5-30 minutes, and it is not prudent to go there for such brief hearings and conferences when we need to focus on being there for the trial and sentencing as our main priority.  We would invite anyone in the Phoenix Metro area to attend in our behalf, give a presence in the courtroom and show up in solidarity for the life of our Savannah.  Your Savannah. Everyone’s Savannah.

Both Stephen and I have entered back in to college in our perspective states, and  are concentrating on what needs to be accomplished in that arena.  We both have our individual challenges to push through regarding that, and inconveniences that rear their ugly heads like car repairs, weather, etc as the winter approaches.  But that’s life, isn’t it?  You never know what will happen, you can only pray for the best and deal with what comes along as it comes along – what else is there to do?

My Maintenance mode is complete, with a few adjustments still needed, and I am feeling much better and am more functional than before, with the caveat that there are some things about my health that will never improve, but I have accepted that and am doing my best to stay positive and push through. It is a push – you will hear me say “push through” and in the interviews, you have heard Stephen use that same term.  It’s a push.  It’s not easy, but it’s how we roll.

The nice thing about this semester over all others, is now that Reed and Clement aren’t going anywhere and have no possible chance in hell of ever seeing the outside world again – we can breathe, concentrate on our studies, and try to have some form of a life that they now cannot affect. anymore than they already have – which is hell on earth to begin with.

Every holiday, every little girl we see, every song we hear that reminds us of her…heaves up emotions from the depths that erupts in a reliving of that Tuesday over and over again. Some are sad, others bring a smile that is immediately followed by a knife to the heart – but all along the way, at least we can have some peace in knowing that justice is on the way.

Savannah deserves that justice.  Complete Justice.  Something deep within me tells me that even when this trial is over, we just might have one more.

Nothing that anyone could possibly say to me would change my mind or thoughts that the sole cause for Savannah’s death is the abandonment of her by her Mother.  Had she not done that, none of this would have happened.  It’s possible other things may have happened, but not this.  Not death.  Not rape, sodomy, imprisonment, meth, and not a cruel death as Savannah had to endure because her Mother didn’t give a fuck and lied about the rest of us as if we didn’t give one either.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We cared.  We inquired.  We sent money, gifts, called, FB’ed, texted…..Savannah was always a priority.  When you are lied to, it’s hard to help what you don’t know needs helping.

Someone (#OpSafeKids) found this for me.  I may have posted it on another blog post, but I’ll post  it here again, just to give you an idea of what was in her head.  “I found a distraction so I can leave”.  This was in March, at a previous daycare.  Just before Savannah’s Easter week visit with her  Daddy that year.

ashley chat 1

Notice the time between mine and her response.  That smells to high heaven to begin with, would you agree?  WTF job would she have at 0221 in the morning that you would have to leave your child at daycare to begin with?  It was a Friday night/early Saturday morning.  And yes, I did follow up with her on that.

I guess she decided to just find a 24/7 daycare so she wouldn’t have to deal with it.  After all, who the fuck wants to deal with a child that wants her Mommy to spend time with her?  Not Ashley.  Oh no, not her.  All done without Stephen’s knowledge, or anyone else in her family’s knowledge.  Ashley had a brother and sister right there in town that could have watched Savannah for her – but she didn’t want them to know her business (Stripping, escorting, etc) outside of her waitress job and going to school.

So Ashley, is still my version of a “hanging chad”.  She’s apparently happy, with her new Beau, who has a history of assault and I suppose all is well in her world.  If I type anymore about her I’ll blow a coronary, so I’ll just leave that right there.

The “LAST DAY” set for this trial is in December (they keep changing it, but this is all we have to go on).  The 9th, if I am recalling correctly.  That means that the trial can begin as soon as the 2nd week in December, and we still do not have the means to get there.  It would be fitting to have it begin on the 11th – the same day they killed her – 2 years later.  It would be even better if we could have it all wrapped up and complete by Savannah’s birthday December 30.  That isn’t going to happen though.  This trial will be a 2-3 month process – outside of sentencing and usual delays that the defense will most assuredly ask for.  But the trial can very well begin in December.  That is how the Judges orders read as of now.  Last Day – December 9th.

On Tuesday, the court calendar will be locked in.  They (Prosecution and Defense) were given their orders by the judge last month to have all of the ducks in a row before Tuesday.  Apparently the Defense did not cooperate with previous orders for discovery, but I have not heard of what the Judge does about things of that nature when the orders are not complied with.  What are they going to do?  Lock Reed up?  Who knows – I sure don’t.  The prosecution’s ducks were lined up prior to the new charges – that was the whole point of the massive delay we were experiencing anyhow.  If anyone is going to drop a ball, it won’t be our side. Not this time.

I know I promised to do videos, but to do so, I would have to relive so much that I have worked so hard to push through.  Honesty, if I go back there again before the trial, it would likely kill me.  I mean that in the most literal of terms.  So please excuse me not doing the videos as I originally promised.  It isn’t for not wanting to inform you, it is only because I need to preserve me and live in the day, in order to preserve my strength for  the future and be able to handle the trial.

Here is the time and location of Tuesdays Conference – please be there if you are able.

AZ vs Reed and Clement  Sept 2014 Conf Schedule

This notice is for Reed, but Clement will be there too – they are being tried together, as partners in crime should be.

  I invite you to go back to my “500 Days” blog post, and revisit why this is happening.  Never forget her. The one thing we can count on, is that in Phoenix, there will be people who haven’t heard about this case because in general, the people and government of Maricopa County don’t give a rats ass about kids like Savannah, or shady day cares, or parents that dump their kids, ..  If they did – this would never have happened.  It’s a safe bet there will be at lease 18 people who are still completely clueless,  regardless of all of our efforts to bring this to the public eye.

God bless each and every one of you who care.  Keep the good work  to protect all children in forward motion.  Never, EVER give up.



I haven’t had much to say since Reed and Clement have been charged with Savannah’s murder, and other horrible Felony counts of ugly.  I’m almost in a state of disbelief that it happened.  I keep waiting for another hammer to fall – more bad, twisted news of another injustice we’ll still have to bear.  So far, so good.

With the daily viewership of this blog going from 32,986 down to 31 as of yesterday, I suppose others may feel we can rest now.  Take a break.  After all, Reed and Clement are in jail – right?  They aren’t going anywhere, right?  Nothing more to know about Savannah now that justice is on the way, right?  The family can take a breather now, right?

Reed and Clement are in jail.  They aren’t going anywhere unless some phenomenal circus act occurs in Phoenix, and after so much time has been taken to prevent that, I’d be surprised if anything like that would arise.  Justice is on the way, partially.  There is still one more person yet to be held accountable – Ashley.  There is the Office of the Medical Examiner yet to be held accountable, and there is Judge Warren Granville, who did not have to choose the path he did and dismiss the previous charges – but he did – to be held accountable to the family of which he completely devastated with  that decision.  

I suppose there is always Karma.  It comes round to those who do ill of others every single time – it its own time.  I’m more in a mindset that those “hanging chads” should be dealt with in the legal system for full accountability.  The County Attorney is not in the same frame of mind.  They need Ashley.  They need the OME.  One, to establish foundation – “Yes, I did leave Savannah in their Care, and NO I did not know about the abuse”.- that is establishing foundation and timeline.  The other, to represent the evidence and scientific data for the justice to be served.  In the meantime, Ashley skates like a pro – living her life to the fullest with her new beau that has a record of violent assault in his past, and the OME gets a pay raise and all is well with the world.  

Meantime, the Maricopa County OME is leaving body parts of the deceased on the scene for family members to discover  and other criminals have had murder and child abuse charges dismissed also because of the OME not having reports completed within the speedy trial deadlines – and have not even asked for an extension in those cases.  That goes back years and years.  

I suppose if horrible things happened to the County Attorneys family – a fire would be lit to correct the injustices surviving family members  have to endure on top of the loss, and knowing the manner and the cause of death of their loved ones.  But they aren’t his kids.  He’s a politician, not a REAL attorney at all.  REAL attorneys fight for every facet of wrongdoing – not just the selective few he can manage for some political gain in election years.  The good old bubba network is alive and well in Arizona.  It’s the families that survive that pay the toll for that.  It’s no skin off their ass at all (the CA / OME)  Too big to fail?  I say the bigger they are, the harder they will fall.  I only hope I live long enough to see it happen.

My Maintenance Mode is almost complete.  I have had 6 rounds of oral surgery, and now, I can chew again.  It’s been a long summer, and the last surgery was July 2nd.  5 weeks later, I’m healing well, feeling much better and about to go back to school.

Savannah’s Dad, (my Son) Stephen, is also enrolled for the Fall at a CO University near him.  He will be taking refresher courses and skill building his way into a regular curriculum by January.   We both agree, that with Reed and Clement being where they are with no chance to be released, we can now concentrate on our studies without disruption, then come together in May for the lengthy trial (s) ahead of us.  

Savannah sits on my shoulder as I type this and I just feel like it’s going to be OK.

For those who have and continue to give, please do so through The SAVANNAH FUND link. using the CROSS FAMILY donation button.    

Monthly hearings are ongoing now for Reed and Clement.  The first Pre-Trial hearing Conference begins September 2, 2014 at 0830.  Many motions will be filed, many requests for this, that or the other, many, many things will occur between now and next May.  If you are in the Phoenix Metro area, we invite you to attend these hearings in support of Savannah.  Please – pack the courtroom.  Show Reed and Clement that Savannah is loved and that you too, want her justice served!  

Thank you for loving Savannah and hugging us from your living rooms, keyboards and offices across the globe.  The support from the international community is humbling, and we love you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Keep up the good fight.  All children are worth it! 

Father’s Day 2014

Daddys farewell

Proud Poppa.

Proud Poppa.

I want to say Happy Father’s Day to Savannah’s Father, my Son Stephen. for being a terrific dad to his beautiful baby girl.  The love you two shared is a bond that death cannot break, nor evil steal.

1st haircut 1 She loved you like no one else.  No one can ever take that away from you. The ones that took her from us will have their time coming, soon.  Justice is on the way, and angels will make sure we are there to witness it. I believe that and claim it in His name, Amen.

I love you Son.


Something we’ve all been praying for could be coming down the pike in or around mid-summer.  For this – I am happy to wait. When it happens, it also infers that the “new” trial will then include Clement if the stars align in our favor.  They both can’t help but to know it’s coming.

With any luck they’ll kill themselves and save us all time, money and grief.  If I were them and did what they did, I would have already done it. They have no chance for heaven anyhow – they have not “officially” confessed in front of a Judge, nor to us and a “not guilty” plea does not accept responsibility for their actions/in-actions. Pleading not guilty and trying to BS your way out of this – is a one way ticket straight into the hell they deserve.  The 2nd best thing next to suicide, would be for all involved to confess it all in court and change their pleas to GUILTY.  Then, instead of death, they can get life w/o parole, and we’d be OK with that and have said as much. They are fortunate we are OK with sparing their lives – but a confession and change of plea to GUILTY would seal the deal. In the event they do confess or kill themselves and no trial is needed, all donated monies will be donated to ChildHelp, Inc. to continue the fight for all children. So if the Defense attorney is reading this – there’s your sign.

The outpouring of support has been amazing, humbling and proof that angels are all around us.

I’m looking through a crystal ball, figuratively speaking, to say that   July of 2014 is when we can begin our prayers or good vibes to look for the Big M charges to come down and May of 2015 will be the magical month when we can look for a Murder trial to begin if all goes well.  So keep your eyes peeled to Phoenix in July 2014 for the beginning of the TOTAL justice Savannah deserves.

KPHO out of Arizona will be live-streaming the trial when it does happen.  The Judge has already granted their request.  As I understand it, other media outlets usually tap into the stream to share it, so who knows, maybe Wild About Trial, Trial Divas, or others will be sharing it too.  The family has requested that the cameras not show me or Stephen.  We want to keep the focus on Savannah, and not our reactions or emotions during the proceedings.  When it is time to give our family impact statements, THEN you will see us, but not before (at least in the courtroom).

justice for savannah silicon bracelets

The bracelets I have left,  I intend on taking to Phoenix with me to first give to the firefighters and EMT techs that responded and tried to save her, and the Phoenix police officers  and homicide detectives that have been busting ass to get Savannah her justice.  So I do have bracelets – but I’m still pondering about what to do with them right now.

For the next two weeks, I have to knuckle down and finish my semester in college.  If you don’t hear much from me during that period of time, that is why.  Monitoring efforts will continue to keep the scabs from individually posting Savannah’s pictures, but I really have to hunker down and get my school work done.

I encourage your letter-writing to continue. Petitions are simply not as effective as volumes of personally written letters.

God Bless you all for your efforts in Savannah’s behalf and for having caring hearts in helping us get to the trial.  You are angels – every one!


500 Days

It’s been 500 days since Savannah died from the 18+ days of nonstop torture she endured at the hands of Reed and Clement and because her mother left her to fin for herself at age 2 for weeks and months on end. The Maricopa County Attorney knows who is responsible, has sufficient evidence, but because they want to be ever-so cautious to not have the new case dismissed WITH prejudice (which erases all possibilities of ever being able to charge them again for the crime) – they have now delayed Savannah’s justice beyond the neglect of the Medical Examiner’s office and the 500th day has arrived of no final justice for Savannah. Yes, Reed is in jail for the sexual assault, and that trial is coming up on May 27th, but he murdered her and Allison Clement watched and did nothing, and the CA knows that.  Reed murdered her, and Ashley Dattoli Livengood was nowhere to be found and never checked on her daughter but once since June of 2012, and only then, it was because Reed and Clement demanded she come pick her up for Thanksgiving, and the CA knows that.  With over 2500 pages of evidence and lab results, more than 1000 photos , and the CA still is not charging all parties for all of their part in this. Sandy Hook happened three days after Savannah’s murder.  It overshadowed the horrors she experienced, replacing it with other horrors experienced by other families.  I am convinced that if Sandy Hook never happened, Savannah’s case would still be in the headlines today, but it isn’t.  The media have all but forgotten her, and the CA is sitting on his hands. 500 days of anguish for our family.  500 days and the grief cycle still rages within me.  500 days of letter writing, emails, twitter statuses to the Maricopa County Attorney, pleading with them on Facebook, calling, more emailing and more letter writing….and still – no murder charges. After spending more than $5300, we still can’t get an attorney with the balls to go after them ALL in a civil court for wrongful death of Savannah.  Logistically, it’s near impossible.  Stephen in CO, me in Indiana, the crime in AZ – it’s a fucking nightmare.  I don’t know what else to do.  I suppose we’ll check out a few law schools as someone who called me suggested, and inquire if a wrongful death suit could be explored by the law students as a project whole working under their prof’s bar card.

FOUR – just 4 people have written letters to their State Reps and Congressmen that I have been informed of. FOUR.  FOUR people of 22,000 that read my outcry for letters had a set of balls to send a public outcry for the kids of our country.  We all have a chance to change the law and punishments, but until every single one of you who read this step the hell up – it won’t be done and the children of our nation will stay in the shadows of the abuse that kills them.

This isn’t a freak show folks – it’s real, and if you don’t think it could ever happen to your family – you are delusional.  WRITE YOUR LAW MAKERS TODAY!  The actions and inaction’s of the Medical Examiner, Reed, Clement and Ashley have cost me 2 semesters of student loans already, countless sleepless nights, nightmares of terror and anxiety that can only be explained by living in my skin and walking in my shoes. I’m weary. I’m infuriated. I’m outraged.  I’m hopeful.  I’m exhausted.

For those who aren’t aware, here’s two of few of the over 500 reasons why we have to be in Phoenix for this trial and our baby, and why we need your help to be there:


UPDATED: December 11, 2014.  Other photos have been removed because our wishes have not been respected.

Savannah ZooShe was 2 years old. 20 days short of her 3rd birthday, and weighed 21 pounds after Reed, Clement and Ashley were finished with her.

12-7434-054  12-7434-001

Write your local, state and federal lawmakers demanding Unified protections and definitions of abandonment, abuse and neglect for children, a zero tolerance for any form of child abuse, and a mandatory minimum punishment of 20 yrs in jail w/o probation for ANY child abuse, neglect and Abandonment of a child. MAKE THEM HEAR SAVANNAH’S VOICE!

JusticeForSavannah FB Banner

Remembering Savannah – Easter 2014

The Monday after Easter was the last day Stephen saw his daughter alive in 2012.  They spent Easter week together with the Cross family, enjoying playing outdoors with her cousins, Easter Egg hunts (Savannah would walk behind her Daddy and start collecting eggs before anyone else could get them 🙂 – enjoying huge family dinners ; Savannah had good times with her Paw-Paw Marty, Uncle Mark, Aunt Jasmine and other family members.  She loved her Daddy so much, and him, her.

Overlooking it all, is a beautiful Mountain range.  Savannah now rests on top of a mountain that overlooks the valley she was born in.  She rests in the Poncha Springs Upper Cemetery in Colorado, and it’s best to have 4 wheel drive vehicle to get to it.  Protected.  Safe.  Loved. She’s near her Great Grandparents, Great Aunts and Great Uncles near her.

Easter will never be the same for any of us.  I’ve mentioned before how grateful I am that she was rescued by our Lord and given the peace she so needed from a situation her mother created.

This song became an anthem of sorts, at least in my heart.   I hope you will hold it in yours as we remember Savannah today, pray for comfort for Stephen, and exalt the saving grace of Christ.

Love to all this blessed day,


The Face of Abandonment, Abuse, Neglect and Murder.

The Maricopa County Attorney has not charged Ashley with Abandonment of Savannah. Why not?

ABANDONMENT (AZ) Citation: Rev. Stat. § 8-201 ‘Abandoned’ means: • The failure of the parent to provide reasonable support and to maintain regular contact with the child, including providing normal supervision That a parent has made only minimal efforts to support and communicate with the child Failure to maintain a normal parental relationship with the child without just cause for a period of 6 months shall constitute prima facie evidence of abandonment. —————— In Arizona, the word abandonment, as defined above, a “normal parental relationship” is not clearly defined. Ashley certainly had no “just cause” to leave Savannah at daycare for 24/7 months on end.

She had a bed at home, her toys at home, her clothes at home – yet didn’t sleep in her own bed for months on end (June/July through Thanksgiving day) and again from the day after Thanksgiving until December 11th when Savannah died. I would call that :  a parent that has made only minimal efforts to support and communicate with the child AND The failure of the parent to provide reasonable support and to maintain regular contact with the child, including providing normal supervision.

So why hasn’t Bill Montgomery, Blaine Gadow and the Phoenix PD pressed charges?  From the outside looking in, it seems they’re using the 6 month verbiage as an excuse not to enforce the other two provisions under the abandonment definition, which is NOT the intent of that law.

Let’s look at how Arizona defines Abuse and Neglect: Neglect Citation: Rev. Stat. § 8-201 ‘Neglect’ or ‘neglected’ means: • The inability or unwillingness of a parent, guardian, or custodian of a child to provide that child with supervision, food, clothing, shelter, or medical care if that inability or unwillingness causes unreasonable risk of harm to the child’s health or welfare • Permitting a child to enter or remain in any structure or vehicle in which volatile, toxic, or flammable chemicals are found or equipment is possessed by any person for the purposes of manufacturing a dangerous drug • A determination by a health professional that a newborn infant was exposed prenatally to a drug or substance listed in § 13-3401 and that this exposure was not the result of a medical treatment administered to the mother or the newborn infant by a health professional • A diagnosis by a health professional of an infant under age 1 with clinical findings consistent with fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol effects The determination by a health professional of prenatal exposure to a controlled substance shall be based on one or more of the following: • Clinical indicators in the prenatal period, including maternal and newborn presentation • History of substance use or abuse • Medical history • Results of a toxicology or other laboratory test on the mother or the newborn infant ————————-

The Maricopa County Attorney, so far,  also has chosen not to press charges against Ashley for neglect of Savannah.  I argue that Ashley’s dumping Savannah at daycare 24/7 certainly exhibits unwillingness to care for her.  It wasn’t because of inability – it was pure unwillingness.  Savannah was a nuisance to her; Ashley dumped her in daycare so as not to be bothered with the parental responsibility. She neglected her emotionally, physically, developmentally and had absolutely no quality parental contact with Savannah for months on end. My words to my Congressman’s legislative assistant were “just because money changes hands, should not excuse a parent from non-quality contact with their child at least once a week when they live and work within a 200 mile (4 hour drive) radius of where their child is being cared for.”  He agreed, and I feel that one paragraph does not excuse the other two paragraphs in the term abandonment, and that Ashley certainly did neglect Savannah by having no parental contact with her, especially living in the same area.

Let’s look at EMOTIONAL ABUSE, as Arizona defines it: Emotional Abuse Citation: Rev. Stat. § 8-201 The term ‘abuse’ includes inflicting or allowing another person to cause serious emotional damage to a child, as evidenced by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or untoward aggressive behavior, and such emotional damage is diagnosed by a medical doctor or psychologist, and the damage has been caused by the acts or omissions of an individual having care, custody, and control of a child. ‘Serious emotional injury’ means an injury that is diagnosed by a medical doctor or a psychologist and that does any one or a combination of the following: • Seriously impairs mental faculties • Causes serious anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or social dysfunction behavior to the extent that the child suffers dysfunction that requires treatment • Is the result of sexual abuse, sexual conduct with a minor, sexual assault, molestation of a child, child prostitution, commercial sexual exploitation of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, or incest

Nothing was ever diagnosed by a Doctor or psychologist BECAUSE ASHLEY DIDN’T SEE HER TO TAKE HER TO A DOCTOR BUT ONCE since arriving in Arizona.  She was a year behind in her shots.  We know for a fact, that while Ashley was neglecting the welfare of her daughter by not have quality parental time with her, that Savannah was molested, emotionally and physically tortured.  and certainly, by default, have been emotionally traumatized, suffered developmental delays, and was near starvation at death. Ashley was no where around when that happened, thus did not “knowingly” leave her in a situation to allow that to happen, but by not doing normal parental diligence – by default, at least in my mind, is guilty for not physically inspecting her child when she did go by to pay for daycare.  According to my Congressman’s legislative assistant – it is reasonable that, that neglect by Ashley, was also abuse by definition.  Emotional Abuse.  Ashley “allowed” another person to: cause  serious emotional damage to a child, as evidenced by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or untoward aggressive behavior, and such emotional damage (even though it was not diagnosed by a Doctor). (but more research needs to be done by his office before they could commit to that) So the :as diagnosed by a Doctor” is what is saving Ashley’s ass right now….so far.

To my estimation, Ashley is guilty of neglect, abuse and Abandonment, but the County Attorney isn’t seeing it that way.  I wonder if it were his child – what would be different? I’ve been working with my Congressional office to help with some verbiage enhancements to the Child Care Development Block Grant Re-authorization Bill (S.1068) that was recently passed by the US Senate,  has since gone to committee chaired by Todd Rokita (R-IN) and is now moving up to appropriations.  My involvement with this all began when I contacted my Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-IN) after viewing the Senate Discussion on this on C-Span.  That session is available here: and the meat of the it begins at 44:57 into the video. Subject matter in this session jumps back and forth between other Senate business and the CCDB discussion – but it’s worth it to watch the entire video to see what is being done behind our backs. The discussion between Congress and myself has now expanded into the Federal Child Protection Act, and 18 other child safety Acts/Bills that now have had light shed on them that have conflicting definitions of what child abuse, neglect and abandonment IS, and how Abandonment laws, and the states that restrict the meaning to a 6 month language while ignoring the other provisions, are hurting our children and leaving them susceptible to high risk environments, and are at high physical risk without parents having free background checks on a national level (most background checks from your local law enforcement locations are regional, not national).

I would like to ask you all to put on your activist hats and contact your Congressman/woman and ask for their support to unify child protection laws and a unified definitions of abuse, neglect and abandonment and taking into consideration the absence of medical diagnoses when parental neglect prevents it. It’s a big deal folks.  A really big deal.  Get your ink pens out and write your Congressman and State Reps to get on the same page!  Here is a listing of abandonment/child protection laws by state – you can see here why it is so very important for everyone to be on the same page. Meanwhile, Allison Clement, a co-murderer still walks free in the Phoenix, Tempe, Glenwood/Glendale/Scottsdale areas, Reed and Clement have still not been charged with MURDER of any degree, and Ashley is hooting and hollering having a grand old party-up time in Phoenix area as if she just won the lotto in escaping charges by the skin of her teeth. Ashley Dattoli Livengood (or whatever you are calling yourself these days) – your day will come.

If it is on the last breath I take – your day will come and Savannah will have her justice, and you will have your punishment for the spiteful, disconnect of our Savannah, when options were available to you that you did not exercise for her safety.  What we were left with, was unrecognizable, and for that, you will pay dearly in a legal manner, hopefully, before I die.  But you wouldn’t know what we were left with, since you didn’t bother to come to the private viewing nor the actual funeral-would you? Savannah Before Ashley’s Abandonment and Neglect and Reed/Clement’s hands on her:

Savannah Zoo

And now, Savannah after Ashley ‘s Neglect (emotional, medical) and Abandonment and Reed/Clement’s hands on her:  (PUBLIC RECORD – not for commercial or journalist use nor for profit of any kind)

It breaks my heart to have to do this in order to get the attention of whoever has the keys of power in their hand, but yes, It’s a really big deal and this will continue until we rise up and punish those responsible for MURDER, Abandonment and Neglect of my Grand-baby Savannah- Stephen’s Baby girl! .

HELP ME DEMAND JUSTICE!  PLEASE.  Write your State Reps and Congressmen/women TODAY!

Thank you to all who have shown kindness and support of our efforts to be at the trial beginning in May, and to Angela in Germany who has helped me pay for postage for all of the hundreds of letters I have mailed in an attempt to bring Savannah her justice.  Thanks to Jeannette Hosely of WACA for her contributions as well as my personal friends who have pitched in as they were able.  Your kindness and generousity are appreciated and in all humility, we thank you very much for your continued support.  There are truly angels among us.

Thank you .

2 yr old #SavannahCross – Full Autopsy Report (Public Record) #JusticeForSavannah #Anon #Justice4Savannah

Everything I have discussed here with you has always already been public record.  The SA DNA discussion came straight from Reed’s most recent Probable Cause Report-Public Record.  I’ve talked about things that were on the police Report – public record, the info on the Maricopa Judical System website (case updates) – public record, and I have spoken from the heart about what it feels like to be in the wake of it all. Now that is public record. Some things are hard to explain, and I had previously posted the first 5 pages of the Medical Examiner Report, but without the rest of it, the first 5 pages seem incomplete.

I am now posting the full Medical Examiner Report (Autopsy Report) – it too, is public record.  Any of you could request a copy, pay for it and get it mailed straight to your door.   The same applies to police reports, court motions, etc.  Fill out the correct form, enclose a money order, and it can be yours too.

I find it striking that some would think I would actually say something that would jeopardize the very case I’ve been working my ass off for a year + to make happen.  But it’s been said to me that it “WILL”.  If putting out info that is apart of the public record hurts the case – they’d better get busy pressing murder charges, because it is my intention to make public what is available to the public already, and in 357 instances, that will be shocking.

The PPD Homicide Unit and the Maricopa County County Attorneys office have cut communications with me unless “there is something to share”. What that means is “we stopped telling you things because when we do, you put it out all over the internet”.  When their concerns should be to arrest the 2 women who contributed to, and rearrest 1 of the 2 who likely participated in the torture that killed my Granddaughter, and press additional murder charge on Reed to get Savannah her full and due Justice,  instead of monitoring me. I am NOT going to relent keeping Savannah’s case in the public eye until that is done. That is a promise to her I have made, and I keep my promises.  I have been a huge cheerleader for the PPD, but what I was told, and how I was told it has motivated me even more to see this through for Savannah.  We need some closure.  This gaping open wound can’t start to heal until more arrests and additional charges for Reed are complete. Their convictions will be closure.  Not one day before.

As of today, it’s been 463 days since Savannah died. They know what they know, which is more than they knew the first time, and it’s less pretty – yet they drag ass on pressing charges.  Why do the perpetrators have more rights than Savannah? How much longer must we wait to at least see everyone involved arrested? I don’t understand that at all.  If she were their child, the trial would have been over by now.  I am including in this post, the full Autopsy report (public record) in hopes that the public can learn in more detail of what she endured for 18 days at the hands of Clement and Reed.  You can go back to the case history tab for the Probable Cause reports on both cases and see what they both admitted doing/not doing.  For now, I’ll give you the glance to what they did do, and the science of why Savannah died.  There needs to be a public outrage.  A Revolution!  We need to take this to the streets of Phoenix and demand action.  Who among us from the Phoenix area would help organize that?

Upcoming Sexual Assault Trial: The sexual assault trial begins May 27th (so far). 

Savannah K Cross Full Autopsy Report  (Public Record)


Doing Nothing

Today is my first full day of Spring Break 2014. It’s an excellent time to take that collective sigh of relief in that no homework is due, no reading is required, no tests for the week to take to task….nothing.  OK, so I took the sigh of relief, went to bed early last night, and wake up to….doing nothing.

austinDoing nothing is harder than you think, at least for me.  There is always something that can be done.  Clearing out and organizing the closet that never got completely organized after moving in, going through clothes for charity donations, cleaning all of the windows, vacuuming (again), farting around on the internet mindlessly seeking an intelligent conversation, or…nothing.

Every time I begin the closet project, my mind races back to why it didn’t get done to begin with….I had just moved in and then Savannah died.  I had to abruptly leave for her funeral. When I returned, the life blood was drained right out of me, thus, the closet never really got done.

When I clean my windows, I think of how much fuller my life would be if Savannah and Stephen could just be here for a week to visit and enjoy the lake I have come to love, feed the geese and ducks, and “stick a pole in the water” just because we can.

shamrockThrough the window I see winter thawing into early Spring (early for this part of the country, anyhow) and think of the flowers I love to grow on the patio, the tomatoes that will be vining up the trellis in a few short weeks, and how great it feels just to sit on the patio and relax in the evening, staring up at the beautiful sky the good Lord has given us to gaze upon and realize how small we all really are in the bigger picture of life.  Savannah won’t ever be here to see that.  That’s what I see when I look out my window onto the lake when I clean the windows.  I see who isn’t there, and now never can be.  I vacuum every other day.  With a long haired Pekingese that’s kind of a given.  By the way, if you don’t own a Shark Rotator Lift-away vacuum, you are missing out on the best thing since the wheel….at least in the vacuum department. There’s only so much vacuuming magic you can make in one day, so I suppose that we can  call it a chore, but chores are always going to be apart of healthy living – it just can’t be avoided, therefore it is something we have to do.

“Farting around” on the internet seeking out intelligence isn’t difficult.  There is a lot of intelligence to be seen on the internet – equally as much ignorance. What can be said in 140 characters can be as profound as Einstein or as useless as Beevis and Butthead. Those small snips of our world or how we see it in those 140 characters, as innocent as they are, can also be someone elses annoyance, then BOOM, you lose a friend you never really had and somehow that is upsetting.  I’ve decided to not be concerned about that like I used to be in years passed.

I lowered my sensitivity meter to actually not give a real shit about who follows me or not.  It’s liberating, actually.  Life is short in the big picture.  So whoever likes the same things I like, and we have that common thread – all is good. If you want to stir up junk that is best left in Kindergarten – then it’s more likely I’m not that type of twitter-er that would meld well with that.  Surfing the net, on some days, is the equivalent to doing nothing but killing time.

Doing nothing affects other people in ways only the person or persons affected could know. Effects/Affects – I never have completely grasped which word works best in a situation; I find them in most cases to be interchangeable, at least lately.  Affect means it influences you some how, effect is an enhancement/causal change of sorts – a thing (noun).  I suppose both could be used to get my point across equally as “effectively”. Here’s the Quick and Dirty on Effect vs. Affect.  Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.  

We all now know what doing nothing means to a family whose loved one was murdered.  For us, by the ME doing nothing for 270 days, allowed 2 murderers to walk free, and the wheels of justice were brought to a screeching halt. If the County Attorney had his way, they’d still be doing as little as possible and Reed wouldn’t even be back in jail.  In the CA’s case, doing nothing and letting things pile up for some future “whammy” is more convenient than doing something about the knowledge you have of others who are a danger to society, and taking them off the streets now in order to protect the citizens.  The CA must be of the mindset that they did this to Savannah and no one else (or did they?) so Clement still being out in the community is of no real risk.  I would adamantly disagree.  Actually, If not for the determination of Detective Sgt David Otanez of the Phoenix PD, Reed would still be free (if the CA had his way), but he isn’t because someone did SOMETHING instead of NOTHING, and he had what was needed to proceed, regardless of how convenient it was to the County Attorney.  Give that man a bucket of roses for standing up to Big Brother and actually PROTECTING and SERVING the Phoenix community-and our little Savannah!

When you have indisputable science that identifies a child molester, and a well respected pediatric forensic Scientist that concurs that that is what occurred, you don’t sit on that to wait for “the rest” of the information to come in – you take that bastard off the street NOW to protect your community, and that is exactly what Otanez did.  For that, the Phoenix community should be proud.  One man, who decided NOT to do NOTHING is the kind of man you want in your corner.

It goes without saying that doing nothing by Savannah’s mother, and doing nothing by Allison Clement – all contributed to Savannah’s death.  In their cases, doing nothing wasn’t difficult at all.

Some folks go in phases of active nothingness.  I’m guilty of that.  There were months and months of endless letter writing, calling, following up, inquiring, research and praying for someone to listen.  Today, with all of the letters written, cauliflower ear from all of the phone calls, research complete for the information I needed to state my case intelligently – and now – I’m in a state of active nothingness.  Not by choice, but by means that it appears that the ones in charge of making things happen – are sitting on their hands (County Attorney) and all I can do is sit here 2,000 miles away and pray that someone will give a damn and help bring Savannah her justice.  It should not take the entire lifetime of the child that was murdered to bring her her justice.

We are approaching the 2 year mark.  Savannah only lived 2 years….never made it to her 3rd birthday.  But the County Attorney isn’t asking for “expedited” anything to see this come to fruition anytime soon. (the Murder part of the charges). As if waiting 270 days for absolutely nothing wasn’t bad enough, not one lab request has been sent out with an expedited return requested, to my knowledge.   That would require much more diligence than they seem willing to exercise for Savannah.  She wasn’t their kid, if she was, the case would have been sewn up tight and in front of a judge by now….resolved.

The affect of doing nothing is toxic to all communities.  Whether it’s not picking up trash at a park, not repairing streets, not feeding the poor or not helping those in need – it’s all relevant.  There’s an old crude saying, and pardon me for using it but I do cuss – and that’s just how I vent – and that saying is “Shit rolls downhill“.  As a frustrated Grammy, I feel I am in the middle of the largest pile of it in the history of mankind.  Our grief continues – Savannah’s death has changed the lives of all of the Cross family in one form or another.  “Everybody grieves differently”.  That is the understatement of the millennium.

The Medical Examiner’s state of doing nothing, cost me two nervous breakdowns, academic termination, then academic probation, more than a year of grief counselling, internal and emotional roller coasters I never wish to ride ever again, and being prescribed medicine that if I take as directed, would make me a zombie and unable to function in the manner that I need to be able to function for daily life.  I’d be in my recliner, drooling and pissing my pants in incontinence if I took the all of the medication I was prescribed.  I’ve been “roughing it”, and life is as raw as it gets – all because of someone else is doing nothing.  That shit rolled downhill fast, and it’s still piling up on us.

Within our family, the cost of others acts of nothing, has cost two great people their marriage, it’s cost Stephen even more.  Since Savannah’s death, he has slept in a field in his car with his service dog (self-imposed isolation) for four plus months in the harshest of conditions, in anguish and despair and as his mother, I can do nothing to help him out of it…..only counselling will help work all of that out – and that takes time. It took months for him to save enough money for deposit and first months rent on the place he is in now, and the Grace of God has seen him through, but his depression still is so deep,  that doing what is needed to survive has become so overwhelming and seemingly impossible to ever get ahead in this world.

I mentioned before in a previous post, that most of the Cross family is on disability for one reason or another – Stephen’s being service-related.  God bless that man for what he has had to endure since his accident.  He is inherently a good man, and has been dealt the ultimate shit hand.

We all live within our means, but have no homes to mortgage, no assets to sell, and the dream of a thriving 401K has long disappeared from our landscapes.  The good thing about that though, is that we’re debt-free.

We can’t be in Phoenix like we’d prefer.  We aren’t able to physically go poke the County Attorney for action – so I email them – and of late, they do not respond.  When they do respond, they avoid answering the questions I pose to them that calls for some form of accountability.  Clement is still free and worked the Renaissance Fair (and still is through this weekend) with the Croft group.  Look for her near an old coin booth.  She’s around your kids and grand kids – laughing, having a swell time breathing fresh air and eating steak, while we’re struggling like motherfuckers to be able to get to Phoenix to see her and her husband go to prison for the longest period of time a jury can muster for what they did to Savannah…and maintain the level of survival we need to not lose our shelter in the process.    Why isn’t doing nothing hard for them?  Why is it OK to continue to do nothing while you wait for test results to come back that were sent out with no particular order of importance assigned to them?  It’s going to be the standard for things like this to be OK until the public starts demanding otherwise.  I can’t be YOUR community.  I am only one voice.  Loud, but still only one voice.    

Don’t be the do-nothing.  Look at my previous blog entitled “It’s time for a Revolution” and start doing something. One letter – one email – one discussion with your State Representatives or Congressperson. SOMETHING.  Until the public begins to demand it, this lackadaisical justice system will continue to produce long strands of nothing – until it is convenient for THEM, and not when justice truly demands action.

12-7434-001Don’t wait for your child or Grandchild to come back to you in a bag before you act.  If you think something like this could never happen to you, you are delusional.  You can either do nothing and let it continue to roll downhill, or you can be the Calvary that climbs the hill and slays the oppressors. All it takes, is one decision, and follow through.  One stamp, one phone call, one donation, one active step at a time.

Please, I beg of you – do SOMETHING that matters today. Affect something that matters – today.

FIRM Trial Date Now Set (so they say)

Today was Ryan Reed’s Comprehensive Case Hearing.  Julie, from AZ CPS attended in behalf of our family.  Thank you Julie!

Status is as follows:

Client agrees to waive time for trial start date to May 27th.
3/26 @ 8:30 next hearing
5/15 @ 8:30 trial mgmt
5/27 @ 8am trial start date

As mentioned in a previous blog posting, the CA offered to move the trial date so it would not interfere with my academic calendar.  At first, I was hesitant – but am grateful those accommodations have been made.

As most of you know that have been following the case, Stephen is in CO, and I am in Indiana. The logistics for us to attend, and the money to make it happen are challenging, at best.

Thank you again to everyone who is supportive in Savannah’s Justice and who have been so very kind to us throughout this difficult time. You have all been wonderful and we love you for caring.

– Cathy

Testing still out and Thursday, January 30

lab workLab work sent out by the PPD after the completion of the ME report is what is the delay in the re-arrest of Allison Clement and the elevation of charges against Reed.  After the ME report was complete, new questions arose that needed answers – and the lab was the only place they could be answered.  When all testing is back to PPD Homicide and the Sex Crime Division – we all can look for actions to be swift and mighty.  Until then, we wait.

There is a paste bin put out by Anonymous that mentions Rodney Newman as someone who people should write about things relating to the ME office.  This is inaccurate information. Dr. Johnston is the ME in charge of the case, and Rodney Newman has nothing to do with any of it.

Our family has withdrawn our support of the collective known as Anonymous and their Operation named #OpJusticeSavannah.  This was necessary for many reasons.  The most important of the reasons is peace.  My gratitude runs deep for the efforts to get the ME report complete and Reed rearrested. Blogs were written that told Savannah’s story that were well intention-ed, compassionate and helped tell her story as best they knew how.

Most of the members of Anonymous are good and decent people, while others feel it necessary to go after the victims and create drama in the face of already overwhelming details.  We have enough real life drama as it is.  My lawyer has taken care of the main actor in that play, and others are being looked into for actions less than noble while using Savannah’s name as their banner.  Simply, that will not be tolerated.  I send my heartfelt thanks to those who are the good ones, and I will forever be touched by your kindnesses and compassion in the midst of our grief.  We have returned the airline tickets to the Anonymous member who gifted them that were to be used for the trial with our thanks and gratitude.

Returning to school was a fight in and of itself.  Appeals were filed, and I won the appeals in both instances..  My current classes include HR Management, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Economics, and Astronomy (required science).  Every Professor does things differently, but the group of Professors I have this Semester knock it out of the park when it comes to style and thought provoking approaches to teaching.  It feels good to be back in school and now that the ME report is complete and having seen the autopsy photos – I can say with all honesty, that there isn’t much left that anyone could say or do regarding this case that would shock me much anymore so it was a definite “go” for returning to school.

After the jury is selected and once they are sequestered or given their instructions, you will see exactly what I meant in that last statement.  That will be your first glance at what we have been living with for the last 410 days, but by the time you see it, I will have already had a few months to absorb and process it all….with the help of grief counselors, pastors and friends. Absorbing that is a toxin to your soul.  You never are de-sensitized, but you do learn to look at it in a scientific manner as best you can after the initial shock to the system subsides.

What was done to Savannah likens the worse horror movie you have ever likely seen, except it was real.  She is not the only child that has suffered like that.  Thousands more have died in a similar manner, even at the hands of their own parents.  Stephen has yet to see the photos.  Right now, it is in the best interest of Ryan Reed,  Allison Clement and Ashley Lana Dattoli Livengood, that he doesn’t see them.  Whenever he decides he is ready – he will see them., but not until he says he is ready.

I was told before I got the photos, that once they have been seen, they cannot be unseen.  That is the absolute truth.  So what will be done once you have seen them?  The reactions will be loud and tearful, sickening, nauseating, sorrowful, shock, heart wrenching and will build outrage….for about a week.  Then all of you will go back to your lives and no lesson will have been learned.  OR  you will write letters to your lawmakers, local officials and Governors, you will write letters to the DOJ and DHHS, and look for ways to educate and prevent the same thing from happening in your community.  OR you will do nothing but share the link to the pics as if to be the torch-bearer for a cause you never supported with anything other than a mouse click (which is helpful) OR you will decide you aren’t going to take it anymore and actually volunteer to make a difference, however small, OR all or some of the above.  I am praying for a progressive and active letter writing campaign.  (See my blog entry “It’s time for a Revolution” for details)

So what were the factors that led to Savannah’s death (directly)?  Lies, spite, deception,  indifference, self-preservation, selfishness, paid abandonment/dumping for a fee (because the law says that is OK), meth, lack of supervision or checking on the welfare of a child by the residential parent, lack of daycare requirements or inspections, no one reporting what they saw or heard (either to protect each other or just not wanting to be involved), anger, sadistic sexual mentality, and a couple who apparently was willing to go to jail for the other instead of protecting a child they were in charge of.  Did I leave anything out?  That just about covers it.

What were the factors that led to Savannah’s death indirectly?  THERE WEREN’T/AREN’T ANY.  She didn’t die because her dad wasn’t there or because she wasn’t with her dad or me.  She didn’t die because of a broken home- lots of children live in homes without one parent in it.  She didn’t die from lack of love from any other family member.  She didn’t die because we were not rich.  She didn’t die because of loved ones disabilities or lack of resources.   She didn’t die because or either parent seeking affection from someone, and she didn’t die because no one outside the parents of either side of the family cared. Everyone cared.  Everyone was lied to.   She died because her babysitters tortured, abused, molested, raped, sodomized and put chemicals on her face to “make bruises heal faster”.  She died because her babysitters kicked and stomped her in the abdomen, put cigarettes out on her body, bit her as if to consume her, flicked, poked, prodded, and cut her, crammed meth down her throat and gave her medicine consistent with Benadryl to counteract the meth at levels so dangerous – it contributed to her death..and more.    THAT is why she died. It was homicide.  Any distractions from those facts are altered to appear important.

So many folks outside of the truth,  have voiced what they think and how somehow Savannah could have been saved….IF ONLY….  Lots of **IF ONLY** s go through your head but it doesn’t change a damned thing about the facts.  There are three people directly responsible for Savannah’s death.  Reed, Clement, and Livengood.  No one else.  We could hash that out all day long and those facts remain.  We could “what if” and “if only” ourselves into the grave and nothing would change as to who is directly responsible for her death.

So for those who feel it important to push your theories of responsibility onto me, her dad or other family members – Fuck off.  We lived it, we know the truth.  If you feel or have information that there are others directly responsible for Savannah’s death, or, if you have information that could help them help secure an indisputable case on Ashley, contact Detective Sgt David Otanez at PPD Homicde at 602-495-3656 – otherwise, shut the fuck up.

For those who say my Son is not supposed to have sex or seek it out 10 months (or even a year)  after his daughter dies, I say – bullshit. (yes, people have said that).  I wish for him all of the affection he deserves, I wish for him the to be in the arms of someone who truly loves him, and is supportive of him in his disability, and I wish for him to have sex twice a day, every day for as long as he can handle it.  He may not have style or be poised in gaining that, but in his defense, grief alters your reality and makes you grasp for love in less favorable manners.  It’s really hard to deal with grief and horror, especially when it is your daughter and you have so many “what if’s” racing through your own head.  So go for it Son,  do it all day long if you want.  Everyone needs love. Everyone needs to be held or hugged. In the meantime, don’t neglect yourself.  Work on you first, the rest will come in time.  I will always love you, warts and all.

As for Reed, Clement and Ashley – I also wish that once they learn of what you are there for, you find love and that you are given the love you deserve every single day by your cellmates, general population and cell block communities, because after all, everyone deserves to be loved.  They may give you a new name, like “My Bitch”, but I have a feeling you really won’t mind as long as they don’t kill you in the process like was done to Savannah.   I wish they will love you to death.  literally.

While we are waiting on the labs to come back – consider writing your lawmakers.  Use our case.  But if you do use our case, stick to facts, cite current laws and say how you would feel it should be, vs. what it currently is.  Citing current law gets attention.  It shows you are vested in the outcome, and care enough to look it up and take the time to write.

Case update – On January 14, many motions including  State’s ALLEGATION OF MULTIPLE OFFENSES NOT COMMITTED ON THE SAME OCCASION, ALLEGATION OF HISTORICAL PRIORS and a request for a Rule 609 hearing were filed in the Reed case (CR2013-003970-001) by the prosecution.  This is in preparation of additional charges, and increasing the number of Felony counts of abuse – and in preparation of the evidence for a grand jury hearing and  indictment for Murder 1.  Whenever Clement gets arrested, her case number will then be -002.

What is rule 609?  Read about it HERE.

 Thursday, January 30 is the initial Pre-Trial hearing.  If anyone in the Phoenix area would, I would ask you be there at that hearing to represent Savannah and our family in solidarity.  It’s at 8am in the South Tower Complex, 3rd floor.  It will take about 20 minutes of your time.  I had planned to be there myself just this once throughout the hearings to stare that evil bastard in the eye before trial started, but the cost of the flight for a 20 minute hearing is not the best use of resources.

The way things are looking, the trial will not likely begin until August of 2014 (if then – they can’t seem to get it all in one sock, so don’t hold your breath) .  It has to begin before the 270 day deadline (August 20) , or else the case may be dismissed WITH prejudice this time.  …and then there is Clement.  How this all will fold into each other will be a skillfully prepared case, and the outstanding lab work is key to how it will all happen.

Keep up with the case HERE by searching case history, and using Ryan Reed’s first and last name in the search.  The case number is CR2013-003970-001 

I want to take a moment to thank Angela from Germany, who has kindly helped fund the postage costs for the many letters being written to lawmakers to force a change in how children’s welfare is legislated.  She has donated $47.30 toward postage, and we’re already using those resources to put the power of the pen and keyboards to bring awareness and force change for the better.  10,000 letters from individuals is more powerful than 10,000 signatures on a petition.  I found that out straight from a Congressman’s mouth.  So letters it is.  Thank you Angela – you’re a doll!

To date, more than 500 emails and 300 letters have been written to lawmakers by me alone.  It is interesting to note that none received a response until I included a before/after picture of Savannah – then responses came pouring in and promises were made to effect change, appoint committees and look into the lack of supervision a ME office/Coroners office really has.

Pray for us all on Thursday.  There might be some surprises, and then perhaps not.  If you are able, please be there.  If not, keep Savannah and all kids like her and their families close to your heart. 

Until then….
